Breaking the Silence: A Proposal for Whistleblower Protections to Enable Migrant Workers to Address Exploitation — Migrant Justice Institute

Breaking the Silence: A Proposal for Whistleblower Protections to Enable Migrant Workers to Address Exploitation

Breaking the Silence: A Proposal for Whistleblower Protections to Enable Migrant Workers to Address Exploitation

Led by the Migrant Justice Institute and Human Rights Law Centre, the Breaking the Silence proposal urges the Federal government to establish whistleblower protections that would enable migrant workers to report exploitation without risking their visa. The proposal is endorsed by a national coalition of over 40 legal service providers, unions, ethnic community peak bodies, churches, and national organisations.

Migrant workers generally endure exploitation in silence for fear of jeopardising their visa or ability to stay in Australia. The proposed reforms in Breaking the Silence include:

  • A protection against visa cancellation for exploited migrant workers who take action against their employer and have breached their work conditions;

  • A short-term visa to allow exploited migrant workers to remain in Australia and pursue a claim against their employers, with visa security and the ability to work.