Our goals for 2023-2026 — Migrant Justice Institute

DEFINE THE NATIONAL CONVERSATION on migrant worker exploitation, a critically overlooked area of social disadvantage. Since 2016, our biennial survey of thousands of migrant workers has been the authoritative reference point on exploitation across the Australian labour market. Expanded to cover modern slavery across key industries, our 2024 national survey will provide an evidence base that informs the next 5 years of law and policy change.

REFORM AUSTRALIA’S MIGRATION SYSTEM so that it contributes to Australian prosperity by ensuring that migrants are treated fairly and able to fulfil their potential. This begins with holding the government to its commitment to ensure migrant workers can address exploitation without fear of deportation– a world first.

BUILD A POWERFUL COALITION of informed, coordinated actors working towards the fair treatment of migrant workers in Australia. We will amplify the voices of migrants with lived experience and ensure migrants’ concerns are reflected in government policy-making.

EQUIP BUSINESS TO RESPOND meaningfully to risks of exploitation and modern slavery in their supply chains, transforming what can otherwise be a box-checking exercise. Drawing on our unique and current evidence base across different industries, we will equip institutional investors and businesses with the intelligence they need to deploy their ESG resources more effectively.

ENFORCIBLE RIGHTS depend on government enforcement and migrant workers’ access to justice. We will create a blueprint for changes to court processes that ensure migrants can enforce their rights and obtain remedies. Effective enforcement will create a more level playing field for businesses already doing the right thing.

DRIVE GLOBAL BEST PRACTICE REFORMS: by convening an international community of governments and advocates, and equipping them with knowledge of promising developments and models for reform that drive a race to the top.